Turn a Useful Website into a Useful App

A quick hack for your most used websites.
Andrew Nicholas
June 10, 2023
Turn a Useful Website into a Useful App

Firstly, there are lots of apps out there that will make your life easier in the gym. If you have one, use it. The Train app even does some of these things already. I want to share a hack I have found so I am not wading through dozens of App Store trying to find “the one”. When you find a website that is useful to you but doesn’t have an app, you can turn that website into an app and access it quickly from your home screen! This applies to everything in your life as well, not just the links I am going to share!



1.    In Safari, go to the website you want to create the shortcut for.

2.    Find and tap the share button.

3.    Select ‘Add to Homescreen’.

4.    You can change the name to anything you like. I would suggest something obvious so you can find it later.

5.    Enjoy your new “App”.



1.    In Chrome, go to the website you want to create the shortcut for.

2.    Find and tap the three dots next to the web address bar.

3.    Select ‘Add to Home Screen’.

4.    You will be prompted to place it manually or ‘AddAutomatically’.



1.    In Firefox, go to the website you want to create the shortcut for.

2.    Highlight the website’s address in the address bar.

3.    Select ‘Add Page Shortcut’ from the options provided.

4.    You will be prompted to place it manually or ‘AddAutomatically’.



BarbellMath. A very simple, easy to use site to figure out how much weight is on your bar. You can tell it your 1RM and get percentages as well as between 45 and 35 pound bars.

TimeCalculator. This is useful for intervals workouts to figure out how long it took you to complete individual rounds. If you put the finish time in the top set of boxes and subtract the start time, the difference is your round time.  

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